October 8, 2019 vfpvc

FROM — http://worldbeyondwar.org/
A new fact sheet series outlining the reasons why we should abolish war.

1. War Is Immoral
2. War Endangers Us
3. War Threatens Our Environment
4. War Erodes Liberties
5. War Impoverishes Us
6. War Promotes Bigotry
7. We Need $2 Trillion/Year for Other Things

The fact sheets are designed as printable handouts that can be used for tabling events, grassroots lobbying meetings, and much more. Each one contains a list of references, so you can learn more about any of the details mentioned. 

We believe that education is a critical component of a global security system, and an essential tool for getting us there. We educate both about and for the abolition of war. Our educational resources are based on knowledge and research that expose the myths of war and illuminate the proven nonviolent, peaceful alternatives that can bring us authentic security.

Thank you to numerous volunteers, including Gayle, Joanne, Tim, and Ben, who helped us complete the fact sheet series! 

For questions or more information about our peace education programs and volunteer opportunities, please email me at greta@worldbeyondwar.org.


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