June 4, 2014 vfpvc

Sign the petition calling on Congress to conduct an investigation – not a witch-hunt – into what’s happening in VA facilities across the country and we’ll share your signature with leaders in each chamber.

What happened at the Phoenix VA is a tragedy, it deserves an investigation, and an appropriate response. Unfortunately, it has become a political football, with the loudest voices often the same people who voted against better funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs just three short months ago.

This is grave situation that requires an investigation, and action … not a partisan witch-hunt.

In the days and weeks ahead, the Department and Congress will look into what happened in Phoenix and VA facilities around the country. Both have a role to play, but for the sake of our veterans at home, and those who will soon return, the goal should be to determine what happened, who is responsible, and how to fix it.

PETITION: http://action.votevets.org/page/s/investigation?source=em140522c-va&utm_medium=email&utm_source=jonsoltz&utm_campaign=va

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