Please Join Us at Squashed Grapes
2351 East Main St, Ventura
Sunday, March 16, 2014
1pm – 4pm
To listen to good music by the band popularly known as Home Made Jam. They have volunteered their musical talent to raise funds for Veterans For Peace. Funds will be utilized for scholarships and our work towards peace and social justice.
At this event you’ll enjoy good food at reasonable prices and the company of each other who are believers in the pursuit of peace and human harmony at home and abroad.
For more information please contact: Anthony Whitaker (805) 813-1463
1:00 pm – Welcome by VFP Chapter 112 President – Sr. Acevedo
1:20 pm – Music Time featuring “Home Made Jam”
2:30 pm – Intermission – Poetry Reading:
Los Pintos de Gitmo
Prisoners of Guantanamo Bay
Presented by: VFP Member Gabriel Serrano
…in the spirit of their liberation
2: 45 pm – Music Time featuring “Home Made Jam” until your feet get tired of Rockin N Rollin
4:00 pm – Thank you very much for your attendance and contribution
Co-Sponsors: In the spirit PUMA “Pintos Unidos Mexicanos Americanos