Hoa Binh, Veterans For Peace, Chapter 160 in Viet Nam has just received a $30,000 donation from an Anonymous Donor! This will go – every penny – to UXO (Un-exploded Ordinance) clearance, UXO victims and to Agent Orange victims and their families.
This brings a total of $50,000 donated anonymously since May, 2014. (a VN-era vet from the mid-West gave $20,000 in May). I could not be happier. Please find attached the announcement for the 2015 tour to Viet Nam. And remember, the tour participants have brought in less than half of the $110,000 donated so far.The bulk of donations have come from people who have NOT gone on the tour!
So Please – Forward this attachment on to friends, family, colleagues, who:a) might want to go on the tour to Viet Nam (non-Americans
welcome! [but all communication is in English]). We have 6 signed-up already.b)might want to donate to these excellent – and all volunteer
– projects. orc) just so that folks can learn about and know about the heart-felt, life-long efforts of these fine American veterans who make us all proud!
Thank You,
Nadya_Nadya Connolly
Williams Journalist & Writer
1436 Grant Ave. #10San Francisco, CA 94133
E-mail: nadyanomad@gmail.comTele