December 19, 2017 vfpvc

Truth in Recruitment, a  project of the Santa Barbara Friends (Quaker) Meeting,
needs your support. We invite you to come to our meetings, volunteer,
spread the word and contribute any dollar amount!

Truth in Recruitment is pleased to have been selected for SB Gives!, a year-end
fundraising program sponsored by The Fund for Santa Barbara and The Santa
Barbara Independent to create a network of donors for nonprofits serving Santa
Barbara County. You can use this link to donate to our campaign: Truth in Recruitment.

Why Our Work Is Needed: In September, while presenting to Santa Maria High School (SMHS) Chicano Studies and World History classes, the teacher showed us an on-campus office manned by a National Guard recruiter. The recruiter runs an anti-bullying program with the acronym W.A.R., We All Rise.

SMHS  parents, students and teachers were caught by surprise when he was given an office next to the school’s career center. We have since spoken with the Santa Maria parents and are working with them to address this military presence on campus.

In October, Truth in Recruitment parents, staff, and volunteers met with Santa Barbara Unified School District’s new school board members and the assistant superintendent to address recent violations of the district’s recruiter policy. We told them how recruiters have been following students on social media, collecting student contact information directly from students and recruiting in classes as ‘guest speakers.’  The school board members thanked us for helping them understand the policy and agreed to follow up with us on better implementation.

Your urgently-needed donation can help us continue our work in schools. Please use this link to donate to our
campaign: Truth in Recruitment.
NOTE: Your contribution right now will help us secure additional funds through SB Gives! matching grants. 

We thank the many of you who already
support this program. This year, grants from the
McCune Foundation and the Fund
for Santa Barbara have funded two interns and a part time
coordinator, as well
as costs for tabling literature and

Our work depends on getting the word out – please share this email with your friends and on your
social media pages!

In gratitude,
Kate Connell Coordinator, Truth in Recruitment

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