Please go to and click on Join Veterans for Peace to join online in your membership category. Your address will determine which VFP chapter you are assigned to. If you wish, ask to be assigned to chapter 112.
If you prefer to join by check, send check to: Veterans for Peace, 3407 S. Jefferson Ave., #219, St. Louis, MO 63118
A word about membership categories; Veterans for Peace membership is currently made up from FOUR different categories: veteran, post 9/11 veteran, active duty veteran, and associate.
In addition to the veteran members, many citizens, friends and family members are also staunch advocates of peace, so Veterans for Peace, encourages those to join as an Associate member. Associate members can now vote on Veterans for Peace business issues and hold Board of Director positions, they are crucial in carrying out the mission of peace and justice. Associates likewise support the VFP Statement of Purpose.