September 26, 2014 vfpvc

Please invite every Veteran you know to attend this VA Town Hall Meeting

September 29
12:00 – 2:00 PM 
VA Wadsworth Hospital — Building 500 – Room 1281 
11301 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90073

• Don’t know if you are all aware of this:  The recent law requires massive privatization of VA health care across the nation.

• Hospitals across the nation have been mandated by the new VA secretary to conduct town halls to listen to the ideas, concerns, suggestions and complaints of veterans, their families and VA workers.

• Town Halls are being held or have been held at all VA hospitals by each director.

• Please attend a town hall if you can or ask others to attend, educate yourselves on the privatization issue and speak out.

• Write letters to editor, op eds, and contact your members of Congress and the president about your views on VA privatization.

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