The Bradley Manning Support Network will publish a full-page ad in the nation’s “newspaper of record” featuring a bold “WE ARE BRADLEY MANNING”with a field of names in the background-hopefully, yours included. Thedeadline for adding your name is Tuesday, July 23, 3pm EST. The ad will runas soon as Thursday, July 25.By making a tax-deductible donation of $100 or more today, you will ensurethat your name is included. Smaller donations are very much appreciated,but donor names may or may not appear in the ad. Any person may donate andremain anonymous as well.
Add your name alongside Alice Walker, Daniel Ellsberg, Noam Chomsky, and Graham Nash, in our full page ad in The New York Times!
Add your name and make a tax-deductible contribute to this ad:
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Download .pdf of ad: